In the previous blog, we looked at the need to guard the treasure (gospel) we have been given. We began to look at Paul’s example of guarding the gospel as he guarded it against additions. We continue with Paul’s example as he guards it against subtractions and distortions.
- Guarding against subtractions
Meanwhile, a Jew named Apollos, an eloquent speaker who knew the Scriptures well, had arrived in Ephesus from Alexandria in Egypt. He had been taught the way of the Lord, and he taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit and with accuracy. However, he knew only about John’s baptism (Acts 18:24-25 NLT).
Being eloquent does not make you right! Apollos had embraced and proclaimed a gospel with holes in it. He knew some things correctly and proclaimed them boldly, but he did not know all he needed to know to proclaim the authentic gospel. He was sincere but also sincerely mistaken. Luke then tells us that Priscilla and Aquila came to the rescue.
And he began to speak out boldly in the synagogue. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately (Acts 18:26).
Apollos, being teachable, took their instruction and changed his gospel presentation. From Luke’s record of his ministry in Achaia, we learn that “he greatly helped those who had believed through grace, for he powerfully refuted the Jews in public, demonstrating by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ” (Acts 18:27-28).
When we reduce the gospel to a few points to accommodate an audience that is used to soundbites, we risk redacting it. Since the gospel of Jesus Christ is his narrative, how much of his story can we leave out and still have the gospel? Obviously, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John had different answers to that question. I think Mark, with the shortest gospel, would be shocked to hear that we can now share the gospel with one verse.
- Guarding against distortions
Paul’s Epistles were letters to young believers explaining and applying the gospel. Paul’s purpose was not to share the gospel in his letters but to draw out gospel implications and applications to life in Christ’s kingdom. In his first letter to the church at Corinth, he deals with several problem issues along with practical implications of the gospel message, such as correctly handling gifts of the Spirit and conducting worship in these new assemblies called churches. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul deals with misperceptions surrounding the resurrection. We can be grateful for their confusion since it gives Paul a chance to enlighten us all about our resurrected bodies. However, the critical issue at stake is not just the future state of believers but the denial of the resurrection of Christ. Paul argues that denying the resurrection for believers distorts the gospel since it discounts Christ’s resurrection. If there is no believer resurrection, he argues, there is no Christ resurrection, resulting in a distorted, counterfeit gospel.
Now if Christ is preached, that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain. (1 Corinthians 15:12-14)
The early Church fought against many heresies that taught incorrect beliefs about the nature of God, specifically of Christ. To protect the gospel against these heresies, the Church convened what historians call the Seven Ecumenical Councils to hammer out the essential gospel message, including Christ’s claims of deity and humanity. Some heresies claimed that Christ was divine but not really human, and others claimed he was human but not actually divine. A quick search of what the early church faced turns up gospel distortions (heresies) called Ebionism, Docetism, Gnosticism, Monarchianism, Arianism, Apollinarianism, and Nestorianism. Whew!
The first Council of Nicaea, convened by the emperor Constantine I in 325, created the Nicene Creed, the gold standard and the basis for what we now call the Apostles’ Creed. This Creed establishes the doctrine of the Trinity and gives a gospel outline that we can fill in with additional relevant content. We will look more at this Creed when we explore the gospel’s content in a later blog.
A more familiar “Monuments Man” is Martin Luther. Tormented by his guilt over sin, Luther struggled to find peace with God, even as a Catholic monk. After studying the Book of Romans, he discovered that the gospel offered salvation based on grace rather than performance. Initially, Luther did not intend to break from the Catholic Church or start a reformation, but he did want to clean up the gospel message. The Church didn’t initially start out to distort the gospel, but like barnacles on an ocean-going ship, the gospel attracts distortions that we must continually clean up.
Today, when we try to abridge or abbreviate the gospel, we can wind up redacting it, leaving out essential parts. This is easy to do, especially when communicating with a biblically illiterate audience. By leaving out vital chapters of the narrative, we present a distorted gospel, not an abbreviated one. For example, when we say, “All you need to know is that Christ died for your sins and rose again,” we are redacting, not abbreviating the gospel.
We all need to be Monuments Men guarding the treasure in our generation, protecting the gospel from casual additions, subtractions, or distortions. We must not let our culture and traditions determine the gospel we understand and proclaim. It is not an American or an evangelical gospel. It is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and his kingdom regardless of the audience.
Later blogs will examine current additions, subtractions, and distortions (which I will refer to as gospel pathogens) that compromise the gospel and diminish its power.