

Ron Bennett

Ron, senior staff with The Navigators, has led discipleship ministries on university campuses, military bases, in churches, and in the workplace.  He had a background in Aerospace Engineering and the military before coming on staff with The Navigators.

While serving on the national leadership team of The Navigators Church Ministry he wrote  Intentional Disciplemaking and coauthored The Adventure of Discipling Others, and Beginning the Walk (NavPress).  Recently he led a Nav staff team that developed a disciplemaking series called HighQuestHighQuest is a gender specific platform for life to life discipling, offering parallel resources for both men and women. (www.highquest.info).

Ron and his wife, Mary, live in the Kansas City area where they continue to equip and support a network of disciplemakers and disciplemaking leaders.

*Although Ron continues as a staff representative for The Navigators, the content of this blog may or may not reflect the opinion of that organization.

Blog purpose

I am writing this blog not as a theologian (although it will of necessity touch on theology) but as a practitioner.  My passion is to understand and apply truth to life, especially as it relates to our calling to be and make disciples.  It is a passion that has grown over years of living this incredible journey of faith and sharing that journey with others.  This biblical, organic, and authentic journey of faith, while it may not be the average, should be the “normal” Christian life.

My intent is to take a fresh look at some old ideas, reexamining and reframing what we may be taking for granted, challenging some of the cultural baggage that has distort our view.  I want to do this through the lens of “discipleship”, specifically clarifying and applying its meaning and relevance in today’s culture.

During my past 50 years of leading discipling ministries, I have observed three main views of discipleship.

  1. A term applied to a “spiritual Seal Team” kind of person, a highly selective, elite, and motivated cadre of super Christians.
  2. An idea much like cough medicine which may be good for you but unpleasant to swallow.
  3. A catchall term that describes whatever spiritual activity we are currently doing.

In this blog I will be presenting a fourth view expressed in the theme The Adventure of Discipleship: knowing Christ on the resurrection side of the cross.

My invitation to you is to join me on this journey not as critics but as pioneers who are discovering the spiritual landscape of biblical discipleship.  With Scripture as our guide, seeking to understand and apply truth to our ordinary, every-day, go-to-work lives; lives that on any given day seem commonly routine but in reality are incredibly significant to God.