TADB 120: Discovering God in His Works

God’s mission throughout history is to proclaim his name to the nations.  In the Old Testament, God’s strategy was to reveal his name (nature/glory) to a chosen group of people (Hebrew/Israel) so that by knowing him uniquely, they could share that knowledge with the nations.

“Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples” (Psalm 96:3).

God’s blessing on Israel was directly related to how well they accomplished that objective.  When they unrepentantly profaned his name, he sent them into exile to teach them to treat his name as holy.  But even in their exile, the mission was still the same:  The glory of his name.

“For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name shall be great among the nations” (Malachi 1:11).

God’s “name” is used as a singular, plural word.  He reveals his name in his names.  Those names declare both his transcendence and his immanence.  (See TADB:119).  In the scriptural narrative, God declares who he is by giving himself various names.  But God’s nature is also declared by people who encounter him in the various landscapes of their lives.  As people experience God’s work, they memorialize the event by giving God a name related to how God showed up. 


One of the more familiar and early examples is Abraham when he was sent to offer his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice on Mt. Moriah. 

“Isaac spoke to his father Abraham and said, “My father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” And he said, “Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham said, “God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son….Then Abraham raised his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram caught in the thicket by its horns; and Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering in the place of his son.  And Abraham named that place The LORD Will Provide (Jehovah-Jireh, as it is said to this day, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided” (Genesis 22:7-14 emphasis mine).

Abraham told Isaac that God would somehow provide.  So, I don’t think Abraham was surprised when the ram appeared as a substitute for Isaac.  He expected God to show up; he just didn’t know how.  As a result of his encounter with God on Mt. Moriah, Abraham gave God a name that captured one of God’s many attributes.  Abraham went from God as a provider to God as my Jehovah-Jireh.

Paul echoes God as a Provider in his letter to the Romans.  “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things” (Romans 8:32)?

Abraham left a memorial name of God that is an invitation for believers down through history to discover for themselves.  Since God showed up and provided for Abraham, Paul, and Hudson Taylor, we can trust him to show up as Jehovah-Jireh on our Mt. Moria. 

Hagar (Genesis 16:1-16)

Given the prominence of Abraham in the Bible and his life as the foundation for our faith, it is not surprising that he would be qualified to identify a name for God.  But what about Hagar?  She was the maidservant of Sarah, Abraham’s wife.  She was a nobody, living out her life in servitude and obscurity were it not for the impatience of Abraham. 

She was just doing her job when she got caught up in biblical history.  Due to no fault of her own, Hagar became the object of Sarah’s abuse and Abraham’s neglect.  Pregnant with Abraham’s child, she is first welcomed but then rejected by her mistress, Sarah.  With the continual abuse and no support from Abraham, she flees to a desert oasis. 

While confused and alone, an angel of Jehovah appears to her, giving her instructions to return home but with a promise for her future.  Her life would not get more uncomplicated or more comfortable.  She would still suffer Sarah’s abuse for 14 more years.  But at the moment of her need at the oasis, God showed up, and she gave him a name: El-Roi, the God who sees. 


Drawing from his background as a shepherd, King David declared, “The Lord is my Shepherd (Yahweh-Rohi).”  David saw God showing up in his life as a superlative shepherd.  Psalm 23 is probably the most recognized passage in the Bible by believers and non-believers alike.  David’s description of El-Rohi has brought perspective and comfort to millions of people through the centuries.  This Psalm illustrates the power of a song well sung. 

Living in and dealing with an agrarian culture, Jesus claims the same name for himself when he says, “I am the Good Shepherd.”  In John 10, he expands the name (Yahweh-Rohi) by describing what a good shepherd does, assuring us that there is more to God as our Shepherd than even David understood.

Well before the famous king David, there was another nobody, like Hagar, who described God’s works by a name.  Gideon came from an insignificant clan in a small tribe (Manasseh), the youngest son in a blue-collar family (Judges 6:15).  He had little to recommend him as one who would defeat the mighty Midianites. 

But when the “mighty warrior” Gideon, struggling to make sense of his mission, encountered God with a promise of peace, he spontaneously gave God a name:  Yahweh-Shalom (The Lord is peace).   God would show up for Gideon in other ways, but it all started with the God of peace. 

The biblical narrative records others who gave God a name after experiencing his work in their lives.    After Joshua defeated the Amalekites, Moses called God, “The LORD (Jehovah) is my Banner (Jehovah-Nissi)” (Exod. 17:15-16).  Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Zechariah called God Yahweh-Sabaoth (The Lord of hosts or The Lord Almighty). 


A few years ago, while my wife and I were experiencing several concurrent life storms, I received a call that an EMT had taken our severely handicapped son to the hospital with pneumonia.  In his handicapped condition, any respiratory infection could be life-threatening.  As I drove to the hospital, I felt overwhelmed.   One of our storms had just gotten bigger.  I wanted God to show up as the Shepherd with green pastures, but he didn’t.

I had recently read the story of John Johnson, nicknamed the “Galveston Giant,” who was the first black world heavyweight boxing champion (1908–1915).  I recalled reading that in 1909 Johnson took the World Colored Heavyweight Championship from Sam McVey in Paris in an unbelievable 49-round fight. 

That morning, I felt I was in round 20 of a boxing match that could go 49.  That’s when God showed up as my “Cornerman” (Jehovah- קורנרמן)!  A good cornerman in boxing does three things between rounds:   addresses physical needs, offers tactical advice, and gives encouragement for the round ahead.

The drive to the hospital was the break between rounds where God became my Good Cornerman.  God breathed life into my spiritual lungs as I sat on my stool in the corner of the ring.  Then, with his coaching voice, he said I was taking blows because I was dropping my gloves.  He said I needed to keep up my left glove of faith and my right glove of hope.  I needed to lead more with faith and follow it up with hope. 

Then the bell rang.  Standing up, he grabbed my shoulder.  Pulling the stool away, he whispered, “And remember, my grace is sufficient for you; my power is made sufficient in weakness.”  And with that, I entered the hospital lobby; the next round was on.

I am not the first person where God showed up as a Cornerman.  God was King David’s Cornerman in Nathan, the prophet.  For Queen Esther, it was her cousin and guardian, Mordecai.  When God shows up as our Cornerman, it is not to take us out of the fight but to help us victoriously persevere in it.

Thanks to the scriptural record, we have a list of God’s names that reveal his glory.   But the list is not comprehensive.  He is waiting for us to discover his nature experientially and describe his work with a name.  God is my _____ (and we fill in the blank).  These names and the work of God they represent are the stuff of our life song.  They are the verses and chorus of our spiritual legacy.

For Reflection

  1.  What name of God has been most relevant along your journey?  Why?
  •  Has God shown up at a defining moment where you have yet to give him a name?  What could it be?

TADB 119: Discovering God in His Names

“If there is a God, what is he like?” is a question that challenges every person in every age.  How we answer the question determines how life is lived in the present and in the life to come.  The Bible is Christianity’s answer to this critical question, and it reveals God’s nature by recording his names and what he has done.   

It is important to realize God’s names are not simply labels but actual descriptions of his essential character traits.  Therefore, the importance of God’s name is a significant theme throughout the biblical narrative.  For example, the familiar Lord’s Prayer begins with the statement, “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.”  Jesus said to the Father in his John 17 prayer, “I have revealed your name to the men whom you gave me.” The Psalmist wrote, “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name, make known among the nations what he has done.”

 In the first three chapters of Genesis, two names of God are introduced:  God (Elohim) and LORD (Jehovah).  These two names offer a framework for all the other names that come later.  In this blog, I want to explore God’s revelation of his nature through his names, expressly as they declare his transcendence and immanence.  Although Scripture does not use these two terms, theologians use them to help us understand God as he has revealed himself. 

Transcendence means that God is above, beyond, and outside of all he has created.  He is not only the creator of matter, space, and time, but he is separate from them.  God is “other” than what he has made and not dependent on it in any way.  Consequently, he is the sovereign ruler over all he has created (1 Chronicles 29:11).  Transcendence does not imply that we cannot know anything about God, but it does imply that we cannot know everything about God, and what we do know is the result of his special revelation.

 “God’s immanence refers to His presence within His creation.  (It is not to be confused with imminence, which refers to the timing of Jesus’ return to earth.)  A belief in God’s immanence holds that God is present in all of creation while remaining distinct from it.  In other words, there is no place where God is not.  His sovereign control extends everywhere simultaneously.”1

Transcendence does not eliminate the reality of his immanence or ability to be with us/among us.  These two concepts appear to be polar to us, but they are not.  Opposites would imply that transcendence and immanence exist in a one-dimensional relationship at opposite ends of a straight line.  Moving closer to one end (immanence, for example), you move further away from the other (transcendence).  Instead of a straight line, it is better to think of them in two dimensions as a binary code representing the nature of God. 

Notice in the diagram that the connecting perpendicular and horizontal lines form an x/y axis, which expresses a binary code.  When we let the x-axis represent his immanence and the y-axis represent his transcendence, the four quadrants help us understand the four major religious views.  For example, Quadrant I affirms God’s transcendence and immanence, which is theism.  Deism, in its various forms (Quadrant II), removes God’s immanence and stresses his transcendence.  Atheism (Quadrant III) denies both; hence, no God exists.  Pantheism, in quadrant IV, denies God’s transcendence and makes God equal to creation with little or no distinction from it.

The names of God in the Bible fit into Quadrant I and focus on God’s transcendence or immanence without denying one or the other.  Elohim (God) emphasizes God’s transcendence, while Jehovah (LORD) emphasizes God’s immanence. 

In translating the Old Testament, the English Bible delineates Elohim as “God” and Jehovah as “LORD.”  In the second account of creation in Genesis 2:4+, the text uses the dual name of LORD God (Jehovah Elohim) twelve times when referring to God.  Conclusion:  from the beginning, God wanted us to understand that he is a sovereign creator and a personal, present being.

Note that when Satan entices Eve to rebel against the LORD God, he drops the personal LORD and uses only the transcendent Elohim.  When Eve responds, she also drops the personal name of God and uses only Elohim.  In tempting Eve, Satan certainly could not deny God as Creator, but he could bring into question God’s personal and relational nature: “Is God good?”

Understanding and relating to God as both transcendent and immanent is a challenge.  Down through church history, this challenge can be seen in the architecture of our places of worship.  The medieval cathedrals, with their high spires and tall arches, put the focus on God above: his transcendence.  Walking into these massive structures, one can’t help but look up.  Unfortunately, the personal relationship is often missing.  Today’s church architecture puts the focus on God’s immanence.  Stadium seating auditoriums put our focus down rather than up.  Today the focus is more on God among us than on God high above us. 

There are names of God in Scripture that emphasize his transcendence:

  • Elohim: (God) The Strong Creator God (Gen. 1:1)
  • Adonai: (Lord) The God Who Rules (Gen. 15:2
  • El-Shaddai:  I am God Almighty (Gen 17:1-2; Gen. 49:24)
  • The Alpha and The Omega (Rev 1:8)

There are also names of God that emphasize his immanence:

  • Jehovah (LORD):  specifies immediacy and presence (Exod. 6:2; Exod. 3:13-14)
  • Jehovah Jireh: The Lord Our Provider (Gen 22:14)
  • Jehovah Tsaba: The Lord Our Warrior (1 Sam. 17:45-47)
  • Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Is Peace (Judges 6:24)
  • Jehovah Rohi: The Lord My Shepherd (Psalm 23:1)
  • Jehovah Nissi: The Lord My Banner (Exod. 17:15)
  • Jehovah Rapha: The Lord Who Heals (Exod. 15:26)

Jesus expanded our understanding of the nature of God and used his names to reveal it.  Building on the “I Am” (Jehovah) from the Old Testament, Jesus claims his nature in seven names.

  • “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35, 41, 48, 51).
  • “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12).
  • “I am the door of the sheep” (John 10:7,9).
  • “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25).
  • “I am the good shepherd” (John 10:11, 14).
  • “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).
  • “I am the true vine” (John 15:1, 5).

Along our spiritual journey, there are times we need to lean into (trust in) the names of God that emphasize his transcendence: his creative sovereign authority over us.  There are other times when we need to experience more of his immanence:  his covenant relational presence with us.  The Psalms are helpful because they help us express both.  They speak to our hearts to submit to God’s authority while depending on him in a very personal, life-changing way.

Discovering God in the landscapes of our lives focuses on God’s immanence:  how he reveals himself by a personal touch.  In the next blog, we will look at how people in Scripture experienced God’s name in their particular landscape of life. 

1  gotquestions.org

For Reflection:

  1. What can happen when we lose the balance between the transcendence and immanence of God?
  2. Describe a time in your life when you were struck by the transcendence of God.

TADB 118: Discovering God in the Silence

Talk is silver; silence is golden 1

Walking through the spiritual landscape of silence can be frustrating and confusing—anything but golden.  In this landscape, God does not seem to be listening or responding.  There is no fresh word from God.  He doesn’t speak to our hearts through His Word; His Spirit is mute.  Scripture seems like an ordinary textbook; we read it, but the words are just ink on paper.  Facing adversity, we pray earnestly, but God doesn’t answer.

The Psalmist was in the landscape of silence when he wrote, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?  Why are you so far away when I groan for help?  Every day I call to you, my God, but you do not answer.  Every night I lift my voice, but I find no relief” (Psalm 22:1-2).

We can incorrectly interpret this kind of silence as either God is indifferent or we haven’t earned enough credit to deserve an answer.  However, rather than doubting God’s goodness and grace, we should consider why God seems silent.

In the landscape of silence, there are two possibilities:

  1. God seems to be silent, but he is not.
  2. God seems to be silent, and he is.

We will briefly examine each one to discover how to respond.  Like our other landscapes, this one provides a unique opportunity to discover God in his various expressions. 

God seems to be silent, but he is not.

In this terrain, God is speaking, but we are not listening or hearing.  Jesus often told his audience, “He who has ears, let him hear.”  It sounds like a grade school teacher saying to her class, “Listen up!”  There are several reasons we do not hear God when he is speaking.

  • We are listening from the wrong “deck.”

We are listening from the deck of a cruise ship rather than a battleship.  We are listening for the call to dinner rather than to our battle stations.  We do not hear his voice for the same reason Evangelist Billy Sunday said a criminal can’t find a policeman–he’s not looking.  Our self-focused agenda results in a deaf ear to God.

  • We are asking the wrong questions. 

We are asking God why questions rather than what and how.  The why question is a strategic one, the kind of question an AWAC (Airborne Warning and Control System), flying at 30,000 feet, is equipped to answer.  What and how questions, however, are tactical.  They are the questions an A-10 Warthog pilot, flying below 1,000 feet in support of ground troops, would ask.  The A-10 pilot does not need nor have time for AWAC-type questions.  His job is to follow directions, not question them.  In the Old Testament, Job was like an A-10 pilot asking AWAC questions.  God reminded him that he was asking the wrong question.

We also need to remember that God has already spoken and answered our why questions.  God’s why answers involve:

  • Our good:  His image-bearers transformed (Romans 8:28-29).
  • His glory:  His name proclaimed in all its expressions (Hab. 2:14)
  • His kingdom:  His kingdom expanded into every nation (Matthew 28:19-20).
  • We are tuned into the wrong frequency

We may need to increase our bandwidth to where we can hear God speak.  Unquestionably, Scripture is our primary frequency, but he can use other means to complement what he has revealed in his Word.  God did use a donkey once to speak to a prophet, King David had Nathan, and Israel had their exile into Babylon.

At times, he may speak through the frequencies of a friend, the message of a song, circumstances, or the voice of the Holy Spirit to our conscience.  However the message, it will never contradict Scripture.

  • We have too much background noise. 

We need to rediscover silence and solitude.  We are bombarded all day with competing voices with escalating volume.  Elijah expected to hear God speak in the storm, earthquake, and fire; instead, it was a gentle and quiet voice (1 Kings 19:12).  We need to make room in our lives and hearts for that same quiet voice.

God seems to be silent, and he is.

This is the second terrain in our landscape of silence.  We feel like Job when he says, “I shout for help, God, and get nothing, no answer!  I stand to face you in protest, and you give me a blank stare!” (Job 30:20 Msg).  For Job, it took 37 chapters before God spoke.  For Israel, there were 400 years between the last Old Testament prophets and God finally speaking to Zacharias, the priest.

There are several possible reasons why God is silent.

  • He is testing, enlarging, and strengthening our faith.

Mary and Martha felt God’s silence when their brother, Lazarus, was dying.  They sent word to Jesus, fully expecting him to come and heal their brother.  After all, Jesus had healed a Gentile Centurian slave by just speaking a word.  Surely, for a friend, Jesus would come and answer their prayer.  Jesus responded to their request with delay and silence, resulting in their brother’s death. 

Jesus explained, “Lazarus’s sickness will not end in death.  No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this” (John 11:4).  In other words, the silence of Jesus would result in the sisters experiencing the glory of Christ in a whole new way.  They were looking for healing, but Jesus gave them a resurrection.  The delay also provided the platform for Christ to declare, “I am the resurrection and the life.”

The lesson is:  In our silence, we should not assume God is putting a period (.) where he intends an ellipsis (…) (to be continued).  The last verse of the Old Testament says, “Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the LORD arrives.  His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:5-6).

Four hundred years later, God picks up the same theme in his promise of a son to Zacharias, the priest.  “He will be a man with the spirit and power of Elijah.  He will prepare the people for the coming of the Lord.  He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children” (Luke 1:17).  Four hundred years of silence and God picks up his theme right where he left off.   

We should not assume when God is silent, he is not working (Isaiah 64:4).  His silence doesn’t mean the end of the story, but rather it is “to be continued.”

  • He is expressing his intimacy.

Deep friendships contain times of silence; presence is enough.  I remember vividly an evening when my wife and I sat on a deserted beach on the island of Kaui, Hawaii, watching the sunset as it reflected off the ocean.  At that moment, speech seemed not only unnecessary but irreverent.  We were two friends sitting in silence, celebrating 25 years of marriage, each reflecting on the various landscapes we had shared.  Silence was golden.  We just enjoyed each other’s company.

Oswald Chambers suggests a similar experience when God seems silent.  He says, “When you cannot hear God, you will find that He has trusted you in the most intimate way possible — with absolute silence, not a silence of despair, but one of pleasure, because He saw that you could withstand an even bigger revelation” (“My Utmost For His Highest”).

Responding when experiencing the landscape of silence

  1. Add solitude to reduce background noise.  Allow God to speak in his still, quiet voice.
  2. Remember what God has done in the past.  He has already spoken.  What did he say?
  3. Wait with anticipation.  Don’t assume a period when God intends an ellipse.
  4. Continue with spiritual disciplines even if they seem “dry.”  Remember, to retreat from contact with the Holy Spirit through God’s Word leaves us vulnerable, isolated, and unprotected.
  5. Pray Scripture (Psalm 28:1).

1 Attributed to Thomas Carlyle

For Reflection

1.  Remember a time in your life when you felt a “to be continued/ellipsis” moment.  How did the narrative continue?

2. Describe a time when God spoke to you on a different frequency than you expected.

TADB 117: Discovering God on the Mt. Top

In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary, from New Zealand, and Tenzing Norgay, from Napal, stood on top of the world.  After several failed attempts, they reached the summit of Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain on the planet (2900+ feet).  It took their breath away (in more than one way).  But after a few moments to savor their victory, they quickly headed back down the mountain.  The mountain top moment soon became a well-documented but distant memory. 

Before the age of airplanes, climbing to the top of a mountain was the only way to see the broader picture of our surroundings and typography.  Fortunately, we do not have to climb Mt. Everest to experience a spiritual mountain top moment with God.  Those moments provide an opportunity to discover more about God, experience him differently, and see life from a higher vantage point.  These spiritual mountain top experiences often change the trajectory of our lives by expanding our horizons, clarifying our vision, and changing our perspectives.

Our spiritual mountain top moments (MTMs for short) don’t have to occur on a physical mountain; however, there are many scriptural examples where they do.  Consider the following significant God encounters on mountains:    

  • Noah landed his boat on Mt. Ararat
  • Abraham offered Isaac on Mt. Moriah
  • Moses meets God in the burning bush on Mt. Horeb
  • The Ten Commandments are given to Moses on Mt. Sinai
  • Jesus was transfigured before the disciples on Mt. Taber
  • Disciples were given the Great Commission on a mountain.

You can probably think of others.

I suggest we have three different responses (or combinations) on our MTMs.  I call them:

  • The “Wow!” moment
  • The “Whew!” moment
  • The “Aha!” moment

The Wow moment.

On this MTM, we are confronted with the incredible wonder of our transcendent God.  It is when we see the Lord “sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted.”  We sense his creative power and sovereign reign.  He is the Lord of lords and King of kings.  It is a moment when we know deep within us that He is God and we are not.  And for a moment at least, we feel that’s how it should be.

The Wow moment not only elevates God to his rightful preeminence, but we sense our smallness in comparison.  As a long-time resident of the prairie states, I feel small whenever I travel in the Rocky Mountains.  Others may feel it when watching the ocean’s rolling waves, viewing the universe through a telescope, or seeing microscopic life through a microscope.

Our response in the Wow moment is to worship by personally humbling ourselves and elevating God.  In the Wow moment, our perspective changes from God is the Creator to God is my creator; God is sovereign to God is sovereign over me!  This MTM naturally elicits praise, gratitude, and thanksgiving.

I think this is the kind of moment the disciples had when they witnessed Christ’s transfiguration.  It was so incredible they wanted to set up camp and stay there forever.  It was the feeling that everything had come together and that “It can’t get any better than this.”

The Whew moment

Where the Wow moment takes our breath away, the Whew moment gives it back.  The Wow moment faces us with the transcendence of God, but the Whew moment exposes us to his immanence.  On this mountain top moment, we sing Psalm 23: “The Lord is my Shepherd….and that’s all I need.”  We can relax because we know God is with us.  Life may still have unresolved issues, but they are not important since we are secure in the presence of the Good Shepherd.

In this MTM, there is a sense of relief and peace:  Shalom.  God is not only sovereignly reigning over the world and everything in it, but he is also intimately walking beside me.  Down through history, the church has had a difficult time balancing the transcendence and immanence of God.  Medieval European gothic cathedrals emphasized God’s transcendence with spires and intricately decorated high ceilings.  The cathedral was designed to lift your eyes up to behold the holy, transcendent God.   Unfortunately, the imminence of God leading to a personal relationship with him was often thought impossible as (in their minds) he was too transcendent to care about the individual (immanence). 

However, in the Whew moment, God’s immanence overrides his transcendence as he invades our personal space.  In the Whew moment, God is not only the God who loves the world but the God who loves me.

Elijah experienced a Whew moment during a famine in Israel when a vengeful King Ahab pursued him.  Surprisingly, God takes him to an unlikely place for safety and provision:  the “mountain top” home of a poor Shunamite woman.  Her home was a shelter in the storm, where he could escape the threats and find shalom. 

The Aha moment

We gain clarity when we experience the Aha moment on the mountain top.   Above the clouds, we can see further than we can in the valley.  We are still limited by the horizon and our human line of sight, but from a higher vantage point we can see farther and gain new perspectives.   

The Aha comes as God’s Spirit uses the Word to open our eyes and hearts in a moment of revelation – even inspiration – to what has been a mystery, making it more understandable.  Our faith grows as we see what is true, even though it is invisible.  We may also gain hope as we claim promises not yet fulfilled.  Paul refers to his dramatic Aha Mountain Top Moment in 2 Corinthians 12.  “I know a man in Christ…(who) was caught up into the third heaven…into Paradise and heard inexpressible words…”

Mountain top moments, like the mountain meadow, don’t last long.  We must stop, look around, and savor the moment when they happen.  Years ago, when I directed collegiate ministries, we would take students on ski conferences during winter breaks, spending a few days in Bible study and then a few days on the ski slopes. 

After several of these trips, I began to gain enough confidence to move from the “bunny” slope to a green one, trying out my skill at “parallel” skiing.  After spending the afternoon trying not to cause a pile-up when I exited the ski lift and not hitting someone on the ski slope, I finally gained the confidence to quit looking at my skis and look up.  It was an amazing view, and I almost missed it.  I had spent the day looking at my ski boots when this breathtaking view from the mountain top was all around me.  I had focused on getting down the slope without falling when I could have focused on the grandeur of the mountain view.   

Sometimes we are so focused on living the Christian life without falling that we miss the view from the mountains.  Whether it is a Wow, a Whew, or an Aha moment, the mountain top landscape is a gift not to miss, maybe even create a memorial to remember them. 

For Reflection

  1. Reflect on one of your Mountain Top Moments.  How did you feel?  How did God show up?
  2. Reflect on one of the biblical mountain top events and note how God showed up.

TADB 116: Discovering God in the Detour

The detours we experience are sudden changes in direction, route, or plans that are outside our control.  A detour is a deviation from our original plan, and it is inconvenient because, contrary to our plans for the shortest, fastest route possible, detours create delays. 

The dictionary defines a detour this way: to turn aside; a roundabout way, a deviation from a direct way; a route used when the direct or regular route is closed; a circuitous way.

Anxiety, impatience, frustration, disappointment, and even confusion emerge when confronted with a detour in life.  Unable to progress toward our goals, we may feel that we are wasting time, no longer in control, and unsure of the future.

To gain a positive perspective on detours, we need to look back through the lens of faith.  Hindsight often gives us a better understanding of how God was present all along. 

The following are six possible reasons why God orchestrates detours in our lives.   

  1.  The bridge or road we are about to cross is unsafe.  God reroutes us to protect us when the road ahead is unsafe and too dangerous to proceed. 

On August 1, 2007, the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge was an eight-lane, steel truss arched bridge carrying Interstate 35W traffic across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  It collapsed during the evening rush hour, killing 13 people and injuring 145.  Many families would have welcomed a sign: “Detour—Bridge unsafe.”

Our God does not always tell us that the road ahead is unsafe.  Instead, he graciously puts up the roadblock (detour) and asks us to trust him without explanation.  I am convinced that many of the detours we experience will one day make perfect sense and produce a humble response of gratitude.  (Isaiah 55:8-9)

2.  God wants us to see and experience a life scenic view we would not have seen or chosen by our initiative.  When living life on a 70-mph freeway, we barely have time to turn our heads and look at the countryside.  Our focus is on just getting there—wherever that is.  And once we get there, we get on the next interstate and do it all over again.  We observe little and learn even less. 

Jesus took his disciples on a detour in John 4 when traveling from Jerusalem to Galilee.  The cultural freeway was via the Jordan River Interstate.  The Samaria route was slow, dangerous, and politically incorrect.  But John said that “Jesus had to go through Samaria” (John 4:4).  After reading the rest of the story, we know he took this off-road route to encounter an outcast lady in an out-of-the-way city, giving his disciples (then and now) a countercultural view of a woman, a town, and a harvest away from the freeway.

Detours cause us to slow down and look around.  When we overcome our impatience, detours can open vistas we would have never seen from the freeway.  We may meet people who are lost, in pain, and lonely, or we may discover the hand of God in the beauty of nature’s simplicity, or perhaps we experience the kindness of a friend who showed up unexpectedly and unannounced (John 4:39-42).

3.  We are headed in the right direction but are not yet ready to reach our destination.  We need more time to mature to handle and appreciate what lies ahead.    Or perhaps the detour is for the sake of others as they are not yet ready for our presence or contribution.

Moses experienced a 40-year detour in the desert after killing the Egyptian.  It took those 40 years for the people of Israel to learn to cry out for God’s help and meanwhile, Moses was learning how to live in the desert and listen to God.

Paul was another leader who experienced detours.  After his conversion, he immediately began to proclaim the gospel of Jesus in Damascus.  His preaching resulted in a death threat that prompted the believers to sneak Paul out of town.  The details are sketchy, but Paul spent the following three years in the desert of Arabia.  He then went to Jerusalem, where he was cautiously introduced to the other apostles.  Once again, his boldness in proclaiming the Gospel got him into physical danger.  This time, however, the disciples sent him off to Tarsus (his hometown), where he stayed for another 14 years in obscurity.  Eventually, Barnabas gets Paul from Tarsus and brings him to Antioch, where there is a great moving of the Spirit of God.  Hardly the straight-line road Paul had envisioned in those early days in Damascus.

There are several other possible reasons why Paul had a 14-year detour from sharing Christ with the world.  It could have been for his development and maturity.  It could have also been for the development of the church under Peter’s influence in Acts 10-11.  What is clear is that Paul was eager to engage in his calling, but God put him on a circuitous path for several years. 

Detours can cause us to slow down and wait for God’s timing.  God’s clock doesn’t seem to run as fast as ours.  I think that is why one of the most repeated phrases in the Psalms is “wait on the Lord.” In Isaiah 40:28-31, the prophet emphasized the benefits of doing so!

4.  We are not headed in the right direction.  Sometimes God allows us to move in the wrong direction before redirecting us.  Remember, it is easier to direct a moving car than a stalled one.  In like manner, rather than becoming paralyzed with over-analysis and fear of making mistakes, we need to start moving.  However, we also want to avoid a stubborn, focused attitude that keeps us from accepting God’s course correction. 

An example is in Acts when Paul sought direction on his second missionary journey.  Luke tells us that Paul tried to enter western Asia, but “the Lord prevented him” (Acts 16:6).  Having hit the detour, Paul waited and adjusted as the Holy Spirit opened new doors into Greece.  Paul was a man in motion but allowed God to open and close doors.

5.  God wants to develop our trust and faith in his goodness.  He knows that there will be times when it will be crucial for us to respond and obey quickly to his leadership.  Detours are part of that development process.   Much of my early military training taught me to follow commands quickly and completely.  Military leaders know that in combat, that ability will save lives.  Faith in Christ puts us under new leadership…his.  He is now the authority we need to obey quickly. 

God used a cloud to lead Israel in their initial journey in the desert.  When it moved, they moved.  When it stopped, they stopped.  They stayed put if the cloud rested for a day, a week, or even a month.  There is no hint in Scripture that God gave them an explanation of why it stopped or started.  Following the cloud was training for trusting God in the future.

Under the new covenant, we are given the Holy Spirit as our “cloud.” Paul says in Romans 8:14, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” Learning to recognize and respond to the voice of God is part of our spiritual development.  Detours are one of the ways God teaches us to follow (John 14:26).

6.  Our sin has altered our path.  Sin always has consequences, even after forgiveness.  These consequences appear as roadblocks, altering our course and creating a detour.  Sin may even eliminate the original destination, so it is no longer an option.                  

For example, when the children of Israel had the opportunity to enter the Promised Land, they refused, even though the spies reported the inhabitants were afraid of the Israelites.  Because of their disobedience, God put the Israelites on a 40-year detour and only the next generation was permitted to enter the Promised Land.        

Through divinely appointed detours, we discover God is our faithful Guide.  We also can learn to:

  • Persevere, keep going, not quit or retreat.
  • Wait on the Lord, not doubting his promises but following the direction clearly given by God, even when the path looks dark and forbidding. 
  • Enjoy the new scenery, trusting that God has a purpose for the detour, even if we don’t understand it.   

Remember God’s promise to the Hebrews in the Old Testament when considering the detours in your spiritual journey.  Their sin resulted in captivity, but even then, God’s gracious promise was to give them a future and hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

For Reflection:

  1.  Can you recall a detour in your life that changed your plans?  How did you respond?  Looking back, how did God show up?
  2.  Can you think of other reasons God might create detours in your path?
  3. What are other biblical examples of detours?  How did God show up?

TADB 115: Discovering God in the Darkness

God wants to be known by every person in every generation and from every nation, which is a theme that runs throughout the entire biblical narrative.  God designed us to know him; our ultimate good is found in that discovery. 

We are in a series called The Landscapes of Life, discovering how they are the canvas on which God paints his glory.  Each landscape is an opportunity to experience God’s presence uniquely, fulfilling his desire that we know him as he is rather than as we would imagine him to be.  

It should not surprise us that God would use all our life events to accomplish that purpose.  The challenge for us is to intentionally cooperate by seeking to know him through His Word and discovering him through our landscape experiences, ultimately declaring what we discover to the world around us.

In this blog, we will explore the landscape of darkness.  We usually use the term darkness as a metaphor for evil and a description of the absence of light.  I will use the latter as our picture for the landscape of darkness.

We frequently contrast darkness with light, but they are fundamentally different.  Light is a physical property that has a source and can be measured.  On the other hand, darkness is not a physical entity.  It is only described in reference to the absence of light.  For example, we can go to Lowes and purchase a flashlight but not a flashdark

In the same way, spiritual darkness is the absence of spiritual light.  An extreme level of spiritual darkness has been described as the “dark night of the soul.”  The phrase originated from a poem by St. John of the Cross. Secular and religious counselors use it to address a broad category of stressful conditions, including depression.  This level of darkness is the spiritual equivalent of physical depression.

Although some may experience a “dark night of the soul,” most of us experience our darkness as varying degrees of cloudiness.  It is not that light is absent but that it is obscured.  I describe the landscape of darkness as a period when our lives lack clarity; we feel confused, disoriented, and lack direction.  We may not be entirely overwhelmed, but doubt diminishes our hope, and our souls long for light and the clarity it brings. 

The theme of light is common throughout Scripture which identifies light sources as:

  • The Bible (Ps 119:105, 130)
    • Jesus (John 1:4-9)
      • God (1 John 1:5, Dan 2:22, Psa. 27:1; Psa. 18:28)
        • The face of God (Psa. 31:16; 44:3)
          • Believers (Matt. 5:14-16; Eph 5:8)
            • The Kingdom (1 Peter 2:9

It is abundantly clear that as people of faith, we are to “walk in the light as He is in the light.”  So why does our journey sometimes take us into the darkness?  Several possibilities emerge based on the testimonies of those who have walked in and through the landscape of darkness.

The first time I experienced total darkness was when our family was touring a cave in New Mexico.  Our guide took our group down a descending walkway into a large cavern of stalactites and stalagmites.  Once we were all stationary, he demonstrated total darkness by turning off all the electric lights.  I couldn’t even see my hand next to my nose!  Then, our guide lit a solitary match.  In the darkness, the importance of that little flame was huge.  I could not take my eyes off it. 

Sometimes God uses the landscape of darkness to eliminate competing light sources and encourage our focus on the light of Scripture.  For example, the ubiquitous cultural influence can cloud our lives, preventing us from seeing the true light.  Our vision can also become cloudy when books about the Bible influence us more than the Bible itself.   “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (Psa. 119:105 emphasis mine).  (See also 2 Tim.  3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12).

The landscape of darkness can also result in a new perspective.  Our eyes get recalibrated in the darkness so that when the clouds roll away, our life is seen with greater clarity, simplicity, and appreciation.              

God can also use the darkness to convict us of sin, for which we need to repent.  As kingdom citizens, we are to be God’s image bearers and the light of truth to this world.  Unfortunately, we often become careless and allow dust and dirt to distort the effectiveness of our light, making our life and message of truth incongruent, irrelevant, and even useless. 

In the days when there were lighthouse keepers, they would need to continually keep the lens of their lighthouse clean for the flame to shine effectively.   A dirty lens distorts and limits the power of the light source.   Likewise, we need to clean our “lens” by using the promise of 1 John 1:9. 

Living in the landscape of darkness is also an excellent time to remember how God has provided light in the past.  It may not have been all the light we wanted, but it was all we needed to take our next step.  Looking back, we can see the providential hand of God.  He was leading us along, even though we didn’t see it.  God’s providence is most clearly seen when looking backward. 

During a period in my 20s, I was especially anxious about the direction of my life.  I was anxious, confused, disoriented, and desperately searching for clarity about my future.  I had no direction about a career or marriage.  I had several options, but nothing was clear.  On a long walk late one night, the question came to me, “What is the biggest decision you need to make right now?”  My reflective answer was “to decide if I would go to bed, wake up, and have a daily appointment with God.”  It was like God was saying, “That is all you need to know right now.  Do that, and I will take care of your future.”  A memory verse came to mind.  “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT).  So I went to bed, and when I woke up, I had my appointment with God.

God also uses the landscape of darkness to humble us, allowing God to remain a mystery.   We do not have all the answers, but we learn by faith to accept it as OK.  The story of Job comes to mind as his story illustrates our intense desire to know answers to the why questions of life.  But God frequently does not give those answers.  Instead, as he did with Job, he reminds us that he is the sovereign, almighty Creator, and answers to no one.  And like Job, we must humbly recognize that even with the light of Scripture, God remains a mystery, and his ways are far above our understanding (Isaiah 58:8-9).

So, how can we respond when traveling through our landscape of darkness?   Several possibilities come to mind.

  • Wait on God.  Until God gives more light, do not force a direction.  Isaiah 64:4 says that while we are waiting, God is working.
  • Review the light we do have.   Review God’s promises and claim his power and willingness to fulfill them.  “Don’t doubt in the dark what God has revealed in the light.”
  • Focus on God’s character.  Be like a child holding on to their parent’s hand when the lights go out in the cave.

Like our other landscapes, we do not need to fear, seek to avoid, or hurry through the darkness, but we need to be confident that God will show up in it.  Let’s not miss all God wants to reveal about himself in the darkness. 

“I create the light and make the darkness.  I send good times and bad times.  I, the LORD, am the one who does these things” (Isa. 45:7 NLT).

For Reflection

1.    Remember a time when you were walking in a landscape of darkness.  How did you feel?  How did God use it in your life?

2.   What Scriptural promises can you claim when you are in the darkness?

TADB 114: Discovering God in the Desert

I don’t think of a desert without remembering the old, yet popular, Western song “Cool Water.”  I must not be alone since it is #3 of the Top 100 Western songs ever.  It is about a thirsty man and his mule traveling a wasteland, tormented by mirages.

All day I’ve faced a barren waste, Without the taste of water, cool water, Old Dan and I, with throats burned dry And souls that cry for water.

I imagine a dirty, bearded, weary prospector and his mule drudging along in the blistering heat of a barren, dry landscape, squinting into the sun, hoping that what has always been a mirage in the past will finally turn out to be water.

The wasteland of the desert is hot, dry, barren, and silent.  The most critical need when traveling in a desert is water.  Lack of water results in “throats burned dry, and souls that cry for water.”  In that condition, it is hard to swallow, lips become cracked, and it is hard to think about anything else but water.  Thirst is a gift that drives us to search for “cool, clear water.”

Spiritual thirst is also a gift because it drives us to pursue the essential ingredient for soul life:  Living Water.  In the spiritual desert, our souls can feel dry and passive; there is little or no joy or fire in our souls.  Our prayers may seem like words bouncing off the ceiling.  We have no hunger for the Word; Scripture seems like just words on a page.  Worship services that used to be inspiring are now boring.   The Christian life feels dull.  God seems silent, distant, or absent and our hearts long for God’s presence, but we do not see him. 

Many spiritual pilgrims testify to “dry” times when their souls cried for water.  Their desert may have existed even during spiritual activities and busy ministry.   People may have surrounded them and yet they felt isolated. 

When God takes us to the desert, it is an opportunity to identify what we are thirsty for.  Perhaps we have been living on spiritual fruit punch and sodas instead of the “cool water” that truly satisfies us.  Maybe we are in danger of unintentional dehydration, and God wants to renew our thirst mechanism that has become faulty. 

God rebuked the children of Israel for substituting their own, inadequate cisterns for springs of living water.   “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water” (Jeremiah 2:13).

Spiritual thirst moves us to seek the Water of Life, found only by a faith encounter with Christ and the gospel.  Water in Scripture can refer to the Word, salvation, the Holy Spirit, or God himself.   In general, spiritual thirst is the recognition of feeling distant regarding our relationship with God.  David expressed it this way.  “As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.  I thirst for God, the living God” (Psalm 42:1).

Spiritual thirst leads us to faith in Christ (remember the John 4 account of the woman at the well) and also leads us deeper in our journey of discipleship.  A desert experience may be required to renew a spiritual thirst for God and help us put all other pursuits into perspective. 

David wrote his version of “Cool Water” in Psalm 63, “O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you.  My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.” Reading through this Psalm of David’s spiritual desert, we discover a pattern of how to respond when in our desert. 

  • He remembers the past and how God showed up in power and glory.
  • He anticipates the future when he will again praise God in joy.
  • In the meantime, he focuses on the God who is his helper, shade, and strong right hand.

Instead of resenting the desert or rushing to get out of it, we should consider it a gift:  an opportunity to experience God in ways only the desert can provide.

The desert can:

1.   Heighten our desire for God alone.

2.   Revive our thirst for the clear water of the Word.

3.   Clear the clutter and simplify our lives.

4.   Purify our souls.

The following is a list of ideas I and others have found helpful in a desert landscape.

1.  Be authentic about the condition of your soul. 

  • Are you physically tired or weary?  Have you just come off an emotional high or a major victory?  Do you need to rest and eat?  (Think of Elijah in 1 Kings 19).
  • Are there “sins” or “weights” draining your soul?  (Hebrews 12:1-2)
  • Are you drinking from sources other than the spring of Living Water?

2.  Consider the desert a time to wait on the Lord (Isaiah 40:29-31).

Waiting is not a posture of apathy or inactivity. Instead, it is a “leaning into” God and his promises, remembering that while we are waiting, God is working (Isaiah 64:4 NLT).

3.  Take the time to remember and review.

•  Remember the names of God and how he has shown up in the past.  “God is my …….” 

•  Review your identity in Christ.  “In Christ I am……”

4.   Hang around life-giving people.   Spend time with deeply spiritual people who will not condemn or expect you to snap out of it but allow you to walk in their wake without expectations.

5.  Do not hurry the process.  Allow the discomfort to draw you to God alone.  Look for his fingerprint in your desert.

6.  Enjoy places where God can touch your emotions.  Take walks in your favorite park.  Listen to music that helps you focus on the unseen reality.

7.  Spend time in the Word, even if it feels emotionally flat.  God’s Spirit lives in His Word, and his Spirit is where the living water comes from (John 7).  Listen for God’s quiet voice without expecting an earthquake, fire, or storm.  Think of Elijah in 1 Kings 19.  Take the advice of Eli to Samuel and say, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” 

The shadows sway and seem to say, “Tonight, we pray for water, cool water.” And way up there, He’ll hear our prayer, And show us where there’s water-cool, clear water.

For Reflection

1.  Can you describe a time when you were especially thirsty for God?

2.  What would you suggest to prevent spiritual dehydration?

TADB 113: Discovering God in the Cemetery

We would not typically visit a cemetery on a sunny afternoon.  However, as much as we would like to avoid it, the cemetery is a landscape we will visit sometime along our journey.  The critical question is will we discover God’s fingerprint while there?

With the popularity of cremation, the cemetery may become an artifact of the past.  However, it is still an essential reminder of our link to history and that we are part of something much bigger than our current moment on the stage of life.  Something is engaging about a cemetery, with its headstones marking the life and death of real people.  The Vietnam Memorial honors those who gave their lives for our country.  Still, it did not have the same impact on me as visiting Arlington Cemetery in Virginia and seeing all those headstones in the ground.  

Death is a topic that makes us uncomfortable.  Substituting euphemisms for death or dying does not take away its painful reality.  None of us want to sit in the front row of chairs at a graveside service.  But eventually, we all will.

In the emergency room, we face the possibility of our mortality, but in the cemetery, we face its certainty.  A memorial service can celebrate the life of the one lost, but the cemetery is a place of sober finality.  It is a place where we do not want to linger but pass through as quickly as possible.  We may have a potluck at the church but not at the cemetery.  Cemeteries do not hide the reality of death but make it soberingly visible and memorable.  Cemeteries honor those who have died but also remind us that death is real and permanent.   

There is something uniquely important about the cemetery.  In writing the Apostle’s Creed, the early church fathers included the crucifixion and death of Christ and also his burial (think cemetery).  Death and burial are not redundant.  Paul writes, “For I handed down to you … that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4 emphasis mine). 

Cemeteries remind us that death is not part of God’s original plan.  Along with grief, it carries the feeling that this is not how things should be.  Even with the hope of eternal life for those in Christ, death creates confusion, sorrow, and grief.  However, in our grief, our Good Shepherd is with us–not to explain away the why questions but to bring comfort and hope. 

The place of exchange

For the Christian, the cemetery is not a “dead end” but a place of exchange.  While it is true that the cemetery involves letting go, it also involves taking hold.  We release one thing to gain another.  It is the exchange of mortality for immortality, a physical body for a spiritual one (1 Corinthians 15:12-26).   

 Using the concept of the cemetery to illustrate our spiritual journey, Jesus described the “cemetery” as being like grains of wheat that must fall to the ground and die so they can bear much fruit (John 12:24).  Clearly when our old self dies, it is not the end but the beginning of a fruitful life.    

Paul described this same process in his letter to the Galatians.  “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me” (Galatians 2:20).  Since we exchanged the old “I” for a new “I,” let’s have a funeral and place a headstone in our “cemetery.” Then each time we visit and see our headstone, we say, “Yep, that’s the “I” that was crucified with Christ.  Thank God that “I” no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”

The problem is that we sometimes hang on to the old “I” because we fear losing something important to us.  We forget what Jesus taught: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:2).  “Until we are willing to lose, we will never find what God has for us” (AW Tozer, The Crucified Life, p 164).

In Luke chapters 9 and 14, Jesus said a defining mark of his disciple is the person who takes up his cross daily and follows him.  Some things continually need to be put to death and buried.  The author of Hebrews expresses it this way.  “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1). 

Repentance is a form of cemetery exchange.  Repent means to change direction or perhaps even do a complete about-face.  It includes letting go of something (burying it) in exchange for something better, such as: 

  • Exchanging self-rule for Christ’s rule.
  • Exchanging self-merit for Christ’s merit.

However, along our transformational journey of becoming his image-bearer, the buried old self still influences our daily walk.  Like barnacles on an ocean-going ship, we daily tend to pick up barnacles of self-rule and self-merit.  Perhaps part of what Jesus was referring to when he said we should take up our cross daily and follow him is to walk daily through the cemetery.  We must recognize the barnacles that have collected and repent of all self-rule and self-merit.  Our daily devotional time offers the perfect opportunity to do just that. 

The landscape of the cemetery is life-changing.  It will always involve letting go of something.  The pain involved relates to how tightly we have been holding on.  Corrie Ten Bloom once said, “Hold everything in your hands lightly; otherwise, it hurts when God pries your fingers open.”

God promises to show up in the cemetery.  But we need to be careful not to miss him in the grieving process.  When Jesus came to the cemetery of his friend Lazarus, he joined the grieving process with the family.  The Scripture simply says, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35).  Even though Jesus knew that death was about to be abolished, he was saying that he understands that death is painful.  In the grief of the cemetery, we have a landscape in which to experience God’s multifaceted nature.  He will be there and we will see him if we look for him through the lens of faith.

For Reflection

1.  Reflect on when you had to walk through a cemetery.  How did you feel?  How did God show up?

2.  Reflect on when God took something out of your hand.  How did you respond?  Was it a loss or an exchange?  Explain.

TADB 112: Discovering God in the Mountain Meadow

Years ago, my wife and I went on an ATV trip in mid-July, negotiating part of the Alpine Loop in southwestern Colorado.  The trail was challenging but not dangerous.  Working our way over the rocks and ruts, we steadily climbed above the tree line at about 12,000 feet.  There the trail leveled off and we arrived at our planned destination. 

Looking off to our left, nestled between the mountain peaks, was a lovely alpine meadow called the American Basin.  We were told about its beauty, and we were not disappointed.  The meadow bloomed with wildflowers and a stream, fed by the runoff from the snow still on the peaks ahead, gently flowed through it.   Crossing the creek to get further into the meadow, we looked up on the distant peaks and saw a prospector with his pack mule slowly making his way up a twisting trail far in the distance.

It was a place of tranquil beauty unspoiled by noisy people, picnic tables or manufactured objects.  Once we shut off our ATVs, the only sound was that of the creek as it made its way over the rocks.  It was a moment of peace.  Resting from the effort of our climb, we soaked in the solitude and natural beauty displayed around us.  We even took a few moments to dream of living in the meadow.  We could picture a small log cabin in the middle of the flowers, smoke lazily drifting from the fireplace as we sat in rocking chairs on the front porch, sipping our mugs of coffee and gazing at the distant mountains.  However, afternoon storms are typical at this season and elevation, so we knew we could not stay long.  We needed to head back down below the tree line before it arrived.

Dreaming is enjoyable, but the reality is even Alpine meadows do not continuously bloom with flowers.  After a few short months of spring and summer, winter sets in and no one would be sitting on the front porch of their cabin.  It is the same with life’s meadows.  They are a welcome part of our life journey but are usually brief.  They give us a moment of awe and wonder, a glimpse of something not yet, a taste of what we lost back in the first chapters of Genesis, and a hope of what will be restored at the coming of our King.  Then the meadows are gone and a new landscape of life arrives. 

Mt. Meadow Landscape

My picture of life’s meadows is like the Alpine American Basin filled with wildflowers, soft sunshine, peace, and quiet with no freeways, skyscrapers, or congestion.   The air is clear, the temperature warm, and the humidity low.  But that is just me.  You may have a different picture and that is OK.  Paint your own equivalent landscape as we take a moment to travel through the “mountain meadow landscape”.

Life’s mountain meadows are places for spiritual, emotional, and physical refreshment.  They are places where we have a sense of “it doesn’t get any better than this” – at least not this side of heaven.  There is not only the presence of beauty but the absence of what is unpleasant.  We are at peace; joy is felt but hard to express (1 Peter 1:6-8).  But as wonderful as it is, we usually will not spend much time in the meadow before moving on.  Of all the landscapes, our stay in this one seems disappointingly brief.

The cosmos

Several mountain meadows come to mind as I think through the biblical storyline.  The Psalmist shares a mountain meadow moment in Psalms 8.

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have set in place; What is man that You think of him, And a son of man that You are concerned about him?  Yet You have made him a little lower than God, And You crown him with glory and majesty!  You have him rule over the works of Your hands; You have put everything under his feet, All sheep and oxen, And also the animals of the field, The birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea, Whatever passes through the paths of the seas.  LORD, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth!  (Psalm 8:3-9)

For the Psalmist, creation stirred awe in his heart with humble gratitude … as it should for us.

The Transfiguration

Jesus took three original disciples to a “high mountain” where he was transfigured before them (Matt. 17:1+).  We are told that his garments became “radiant and exceedingly white,” Elijah and Moses appeared, dialoguing with Jesus, and a voice is heard from heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to him.”  It had to be a “wow” moment for those three Hebrew men.

Peter’s response was (my paraphrase), “It does not get any better than this!  Let’s set up camp and stay for a while.”  But the meadow was only a short respite.  Descending the mountain meadow, they were quickly back on the battlefield, encountering a man with a lunatic son and nine frustrated disciples.

The Emmaus Road

Christ’s post-resurrection appearance to Cleopas and his friend as they walked on the road to Emmaus was another mountain meadow.  For a short time, these men were in the presence of the risen Christ as he explained the historical narrative of the gospel message.  As evening approached, they wanted to linger in the meadow, urging this stranger to stay longer.  But after dinner, he left.  Having finally recognized the stranger as Christ, they returned to their ordinary lives with the reflection, “Were not our hearts burning within us?” (The good kind of heartburn).

Mary experienced a mountain meadow when Christ came to visit her and Martha.  Time flew by as she sat at his feet, listening to his words.  On the other hand, Martha missed it with her preoccupation with responsibility and duty.  Jesus’ gentile rebuke to Martha was over her choice not to spend a moment in the meadow (Luke 10:38-42).

Over 5,000 people had a meadow experience one day as they sat on the hillside listening to Jesus teach about the kingdom.  Their hearts were touched, and their sick were healed; time flew by.  In the meadow, they forgot about their hunger until the disciples finally brought it up.  The day ended with a surprise dinner and enough food for a “to-go” box.  Like all mountain meadows, it did not last long, but I can imagine they talked about it for a long time. 

God shows up

In the mountain meadow, God often appears as our Good Shepherd, leading us into green pastures.  “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.  He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake” (Psalm 23:1-3).  In the meadow, the Good Shepherd restores our souls and refreshes our spirits.

He may also show up as the grand Creator, God Almighty, El Elohim, the One who does above and beyond what we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).   In the meadow, we are overwhelmed by his grace and love and our unworthiness of it.


In the landscape of the meadow, we feel a unique sense of joy and contentment.  It may not be in the total absence of conflict, but it is like an oasis in the desert, a moment when nothing else matters.  We feel a sense of joy and tranquility, the temporary absence of conflict, anxiety, and adversity, a moment we would like to stay in forever.  In the mountain meadow, we experience a moment of rest, joy, and happiness that dominates all other landscapes.

We need to be careful not to miss the meadow moments in which we learn to rest, relax, and take a deep breath.  In those times, praise and thanksgiving flow naturally and spontaneously as we experience God’s greatness and recognize our own personal inadequacy.  It is a time in which we can exchange our hurried agendas for a look around at the meadow, enjoying it to the fullest. 

Jesus had the mountain meadow in mind when he said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29).

Here is a quick summary of the landscapes we have considered so far:

LandscapeAffect I feel……God’s touch God is my….Our response I need to……Scripture
Stormshelpless, fear, overwhelmedDeliverer, Anchor, Shelter, Sustainerhold on, wait, hopeIsa. 25:4; Matt.  7:24+ Ps. 107:28-32; Ecc. 11:5 Isa. 64:4
Battlefieldsthreatened, fear, vulnerableFortress, Defender, Protector, Shieldfight, armor up, flee,Eph. 2:2-3, 6:13; Jam. 4:7 1 Peter 5:8; Matt. 4:1-11
Thorn Countrytrapped, fear, guilt, weak, hopelessProvider, El Shaddai, All-Sufficient Onewait, remember, hope, be content2 Cor. 12:7+; Jn. 13:7 Jn. 19:5
Mountain Meadowshumbled, contentment joy, awe, wonderCreator, Shepherd,  praise, express gratitude, restPsa. 8; 145, Matt.  11:28-29

For Reflection:

1.  Describe a time when you felt you were in a mountain meadow of life.

2.  In what other ways does God show up in the meadow?

TADB 111: Discovering God in Thorn Country

When my wife and I moved our family to Kansas City, we bought six acres of neglected land and built a house.  With decades of negligence, the acreage was a forest of six-foot Canadian thistles, hedge trees, and thorny locusts.  For the first two years we lived there, I spent every free moment cutting, hauling, piling, and burning thorns.  Even after the trees were all burned, the thorns remained in the soil for years puncturing mower tires and tennis shoes.  

A thorn does not have to be big to be painful.  My dislike of locust trees increased when I discovered their thorns have a tiny tip that comes off when it punctures your skin and stays embedded even after removing the thorn.  So, although I could not see it, I could still feel it.  Thorns are downright painful!

One of life’s landscapes we will likely travel through is what I will call thorn country.  I define thorn country as the landscape where we encounter painful conditions that are long-term, even permanent (the word chronic comes to mind).  It’s the landscape where we believe God can and will deliver, but he does not.

The Apostle Paul introduces us to thorn country in 2 Corinthians 12.  His thorn was a physical condition from which he wanted relief.  It was probably painful, debilitating, annoying, and frustratingly detrimental to his gospel mission.  Yet each time Paul prayed for deliverance, God denied his request and told him (my paraphrase), “Learn to live with it.” He saw God heal others but not himself.  Paul’s thorn became his new normal.

We experience thorn country when our pain becomes, as far as we can tell, permanent.  So it is when the doctor explains you will never be able to bear children; the cancer is inoperable; your new baby is born with Downs Syndrome; your wife dies in a car crash. 

Growing up, my dad was a machinist by trade.  One night as he was setting up a 2-ton metal stamping press, his shoulder hit the release button, sending the 2-ton press smashing down on both hands.  In the operating room, the surgeons worked.  In the waiting room, family and friends prayed.  Finally, after long, anxious hours, the doctor announced that he could save Dad’s left hand but not his right; it had to be amputated.  Welcome to thorn country.

A diving accident leaves a teenage girl unable to move.  Hopefully, it is only temporary.  Surely, skilled care, physical therapy, and constant prayers of faith will make a difference.  But it does not.  Joni Ericksen has just entered the thorn country known as quadriplegia.

A young couple sits together in the maternity room, basking in the glow of their recently born son, their first.  Then, unexpectantly, the pediatrician enters the room and soberly announces their son is having difficulty breathing.  He says they have checked the baby’s heart and lungs, and both are fine; he suspects there is a problem with the brain.  But, although stabilized for now, he explains, their son will need transporting to an intensive neonatal care unit at a different hospital. 

Friends and family are told and form a prayer covering.  After a few weeks of observation and care, the couple can finally take their son home.  Everything looks fine.  But it is not.  Over the following months, it becomes evident that their son is developmentally delayed, but maybe he will catch up.  Pediatricians say he is just a slow starter.  The parents hope—more prayer.   

Looking for answers, they contact a family friend who is a doctor.  After examining the medical birth records, he concludes: “Your son suffered significantly low levels of oxygen and blood sugar during the birth process, which can only result in significant brain damage.  Your son is not just delayed; he will be seriously mentally and physically disabled.”  Welcome to thorn country.

As King Nebuchadnezzar throws three Hebrew men into his fiery furnace for not worshipping his idol, they make a bold proclamation.  They believe their God can deliver them from the furnace, but they will still worship only him even if he chooses not to.  Thorn country is all about the “but if nots” in life.   Interestingly, among the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith heroes is an extensive list of “but if nots.”

How do we respond when living in thorn country?  It often begins with a feeling of abandonment.  “Why does God not show up?”  After all, have we not been asking, seeking, and knocking (Matthew 7:7-8)?  The reality is that in thorn country, we can easily…

  • wonder if we have enough faith.
  • feel a sense of guilt that we are being punished.
  • rehearse a series of “what ifs.”
  • fear the future.

In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul shares what he learned in thorn country.  “Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away.  Each time he said, ‘My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness’.  So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me…. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:8-10).  Paul’s understanding of God’s grace is greatly expanded in thorn country. 

As in all of life’s landscapes, God will “show up” in our thorn country, but perhaps not in the way we want.  He may decide to deliver us through rather than out of our circumstances for us to discover that his grace is all we need.  It is in thorn country where we gain an understanding of El Shaddai:  the “All-Sufficient One,” the “God Who is more than enough.”  

In thorn country, grace is a daily need and a promised provision.  God’s grace in thorn country is not for the “what ifs” of the past or desires for the future.  God’s grace is promised and experienced only in the moment.  And when tomorrow comes, grace will be waiting to meet us.

For reflection

1.  If you have ever been in thorn country, how did you feel?

2.  How do you respond to the statement, “God’s grace is sufficient for the present, but not for the past or future.”